It has been a while since we had a power outage like this. The other day we had one for a few hours but it wasn't dark before the power came on. Last night when we returned from Craig football practice it was out-that was 7. I think it went out around 6ish. It really was a great evening though. We had a blast. We got all our candles going, flashlights, and propane lights. We(well Clint did) cooked dinner on our propane stove outside. He heated up fried rice from yesterdays dinner...water for hot chocolate, and then he made popcorn in our twirly pop. It was great!!! Craig had homework to do so we all read from his social studies book about Columbus. We laughed and had a great time. Amber even roasted marshmellows from the candles. Clint suggested we do this every night for the next month...but I dont think anyone jumped on that. Our Family Home Evening lesson was about BEING PREPARED. What a great night!!! The power came back on somewhere between 1 and 2 in the morning. It was a fun evening together and reminded us how fun it is with just the family and not the TV or internet to keep us distracted. With the flash it doesnt even appear to be dark but it was..that is why Amber took the pictures above to show the dark...the rest are with the flash pretty much...
Sunday was our Primary Program and it was amazing!!! Our primary President, Jenny Mattravers had a brilliant idea (she is wonderful). The kids did their parts together as family groups. This years theme was families are forever. I was terrific. Corey and Craig did their parts so well. Craig was so great with Corey. He had his arm around him the whole time. It was so cute. He helped Corey say his part and Corey actually said it. Craig was nervous about Corey not doing it. It was such a great moment. We are proud of the boys. After church we decided to take a few pictures since they were dressed up. Corey unfortunately had a fever after church and wasnt feeling well...we did our best and I thought I would post a few because I thought they were cute and kinda funny...we will try again another day... In the end this I thought was the best one...although there is something on Craigs nose...I dont know if it came from his tree climbing adventure or what..I am sure I could get it off with a touch up but I am not sure how...anyway they are great kids and I love them so much...I cant imagine my life without them...every one of them is AMAZING!!!!
Saturday night was our church halloween party and we had tons of fun. We had dinner...chili, hot dogs, hot chocolate. Lots of great friends to visit with. then we did trunk or treat. It was a fun party and we are glad we went. A few of Richards kids were spending the weekend with us so they went with us. After the party we went home and they are did our tradition of 'candy bartering'. It was a blast..took longer to do all the trading than to actually get the candy. FUN TIMES!!!!
Here is another football game of Craigs. He has one more game this coming Wednesday night. It is the Tournaments. His team has not lost a game yet and they also havent been scored on. Theya re the only team in the league with this record so we are really excited. Hopefully they will do the same Wednesday and we will be the champs. He has had a tremendous year playing!!! Great couches!!!!
So October 10th was Clints Birthday and I am way to far behind. We had a great day working in the fields but we did get everything planted so that was a nice gift for him...HAHA!! That night we had cake and opened presents. It was a fun time. We are lucky to have such a great dad that enjoys spending lots of time with his family. He loves to hang out with the kids and ride motorcycles with them and pretty much whatever they want to do. We appreciate ou Clint for taking care of our family and providing he things we need. You are a wonderful father!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
I was working in the field yesterday planting bulbs when I got a call from the school nurse telling me that Craig had gotten a pretty good gash in the back of his head and would need staples because it was horizontal. I was super dirty so I called grandma and she and Corey went to get Craig. Jack called the Walmart Doc in the Box to see if they did staples...they only did stitches. They told him it would be $175 at the least. Wow!! When he got home he was more upset about having to go to the doctor than the cut itself...He did not want staples or stitches. Well, having great experience with butterfly bandaids(remember Coreys gash on the forhead that looks pretty good now) we decided to give it a try. Clint was not around but I decided to try it. Luckily we had just cut his hair Sunday morning!!! The gash was pretty wide and i wasn't sure the butterflys would stick but they did great and we are pretty proud of it!! I think it looks like it will be great and Craig was more than relieved to not go to the doctor.(so was Dads wallet) Eveyone had a million questions about how it happend, espcially Heather with her question after question...well...he fell backwards on a football sled and hit his head that cut it open...once again...stock your homes with butterfly bandaids!!!! I totally forgot to take a picture when the cut was wide open. I was so MAD!! I should be better :) just kidding...Craig wasn't really ready for photo opp :)
Amber, Heather, Ali, Shelby, and Samantha all decided to go on a road trip to Rexburg, Idaho since we had a 4 day weekend. Boy what a trip that would be with 5 goofy girls. They had a blast!! I hope Kali felt the same :) These girls really know how to do this and that is exactly what they did.... Off to see REXBURG sights.... Of course a visit to the Rexburg Temple..... I'm so thankfful that th girls have such great friends and we dont worry about them while they are gone. They are such great example to all those around them and they really have a great time together. What great memories they are making!!!!
Last Saturday was the Womens Fitness Celebration. This is something Amber, Heather and I have been doing for about 15 years now. We have not missed one since we started---including last year which was raining all day. We still had a blast. This year was amazing weather and we had the greatest time ever with My Mom, Mary, Carol, Megan, Kathrine, Madison, and Kaylee. We love this great day to share with everyone we love!!!! Mary made these lovely pages...thanks are number 1 to me!!!:)