August 19th was the first day of school an came and went without too much excitement. We had some exciting first though. Craig started at the Junior High this year. It was a little scary for him and he was nervous to say the least but by the time he got home he was totally excited and decided he could handle it!!! Heather started High School this year. No worries for her....she wasn't nervous one bit...she didn't even bother to take a pencil or anything!!! Oh Heather what will we do with you!! I hope I survive Heather!!! Thankfully we have two more school years with Amber...she is truly loving life right now it seems. Corey and I are home together again and he is glued to my hip for the first few days. He is starting to get used to the kids being gone now...he misses them terribly and so do I for that matter. It is nice to be on a schedule though!! Here goes another year :)
So we finally went on a family vacation before school starts. It has been a few years since we have gone so it was great to get away!!!! We had a blast....just being away with everyone was so much fun!! We stayed at my brother Roberts in Kaysville, Utah. He was so great to let us crash his place. He has a beautiful home and we so much appreciate him. We were lucky enough that his kids were there as well so we got some quality cousin time in. Richard, Karen and 4 of their kids came down Saturday and Sunday so that was cool also. Lots of people in one place...with the Brinkerhoff...makes a interesting crazy time. We did have FUN!! Here are tons of pictures that we took.....thanks to Amber for making the pages so I didnt have to ....she is so much faster than me. My kids are the greatest for sure!!!
We got to Roberts early Thursday 1 a.m. - Thursday we started our vacation by driving out to Bear Lake and swimming. It is so beautiful and the water is so blue. You can walk out forever and still be pretty much is a great beach for kids...clean....well sandy of course but it was amazing :) Friday we decided to ride the Frontrunner...a train that runs along the Salt Lake City and go around Temple Square and the Gateway mall. The train ride was an adventure for us for sure. We rode it to the Salt Lake station and then you jump on another train...the Traxx...that takes you around town. You get off whatever stop you want along the way. We rode right to temple square. After temple square we went to the mall and ate lunch and did a little shopping...then we hopped on the train again and rode all around Salt Lake. We went clear up to Utah State and then back down. We were going to ride to Sandy on the next line but I think we were getting tired. That took about an we headed back to the Frontrunner and jumped on. We decided we would go a round trip on is much faster. After looking at the schedule we figured out it would be more than an hour on that train. Corey started to get a little tired and ready to run around so we decided we would not do that. It surely was an adventure though :) Im sure we were quite the show to everyone :) So Saturday...another adventure...Robert, all his kids, Richard, Karen and a few of his kids were all together...we decided to go swimming in the subdivision pool. it opened at 11 so we were there promptly only to find that it was the kids played on the playground for awhile and then left. Our family went and toured an open house that was down the street. When we got done we noticed the pool maintenance guy and found the pool open now so we called everyone and they all came back and we swam ALL day. We had lunch there. Later that night we went and got pizza and went to another park and ate and had fun playing. Then home to have a movie night...(which we did every night we were at Roberts)...he had a projector and it shows the movie on the wall...Just like a movie theater...SO FUN!!! Sunday we went to church with Robert. Richard left later that evening and then we celebrated Brittney's birthday. Robert made an excellant cake....:) Even though Karen didnt have too much faith in him....they left before they got to taste it...they should have stayed... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITT!!!! Monday.....YES...Lagoon time. Robert was taking his kids to Lagoon on Monday so we waited and went with them. It was really fun. We kinda all went our own ways but it was fun to meet up now and then. The kids had an amazing time!! Corey was crazy and loved every minute. He wanted to ride all the big kid rides.. he just knew he was big enough..he was so cute...We stayed until they closed at 10:00 p.m. Corey rode rides up to the last minute...he wasnt crazy about the lines or sharing a seat with someone...but he did great!! We left Tuesday morning at 5 a.m. for the trek home. We start school on Wednesday so we needed some of Tuesday for a rest. I am so glad we went and I am so thankful for Robert. He was great and it was fun to spend time with him. We had the greatest vacation and the kids are already talking about going back to Roberts. Thanks to Robert!!!! We owe you!!!!