Saturday, August 21, 2010

Amber's Senior Pictures...

Diane did some of Amber's senior pictures back in July. They turned out so good. Diane did AMAZING!! :) (The link to her blog is on the right, under favorite sites.)

First day of School 2010...

Back to school for us on the 18th of August. This year Amber is a senior, Heather is a sophomore, and Craig is in 6th grade. Corey wore his Batman mask and cape to take Craig down to the school. He got quite a bit of attention, I don't know how much Craig liked it. :)

One last trip to the lake...

Before we headed back to school, we went over to Emmett to go boating. We had a fun time (like we always do :]) with cousins. There are lots of picture from tubing and skiing. Thanks Grandpa for taking us to the lake!! :) And thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the fun little party!! :) WE LOVE YOU!!!!


Megan and Jake...

A couple weeks ago Megan and Jake Kraupp came to play at our house. Corey loved playing with them. They had fun playing with light sabers. And Megan liked wearing Amber's glasses. :)

Corey, Corey, Corey

A couple weeks ago we came home from somewhere and Corey got out of the car and was dancing to the radio. (In yellow swimsuit) He's quite the little dancer. It was pretty funny. And the other pictures shouldn't be hard to figure out, Amber put him in a bucket. :)

Swimming Fun..

This summer Corey took swim lessons. He is quite the little fish. He is awesome at swimming, mostly underwater. It's fun to watch him. All the kids love to swim and they did a lot of it this summer!! :)

Drive-In Movies

We love the Drive-In movies. This summer we were able to go a couple times. It's always lots of fun. We brought John Deere suckers one time that leave a picture on your tongue (as you'll see in the pictures). We always enjoy spending time together at the movies!!

Heather's 15th Birthday!

For Heather's birthday, we had a little party and then headed to the Drive-In movies. It was tons of fun. We love you Heather!!

Happy 11th Birthday Craig!!

For Craig's birthday, we just had a little party with a couple cousins. Craig got some stickers to put on his motorcycle. He was pretty excited!! :) We love you, Craig!!!

Summer: Corey and Amber

There were a few weeks this summer when Corey and Amber were the only ones home. Craig and Heather would go to friends' houses and so Corey and Amber had a lot of fun times together. :)